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Panduan Pemula Membuat Artikel Unik dengan ChatGPT

Perkenalan ChatGPT

Apa itu ChatGPT?

ChatGPT ini sangat berguna bagi para profesional marketing dan bisnis karena kemampuannya dalam memproses bahasa alami dengan baik. ChatGPT dapat membantu dalam berbagai hal, mulai dari menerjemahkan dokumen, mengekstrak informasi penting, hingga membuat konten yang menarik bagi pelanggan atau audiens.

ChatGPT adalah sebuah teknologi kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) yang dikembangkan oleh OpenAI.

Dengan menggunakan ChatGPT, para profesional marketing dan bisnis dapat memaksimalkan potensi bisnis mereka dengan mudah dan efektif. Oleh karena itu, ChatGPT adalah sebuah teknologi yang sangat berharga bagi mereka yang ingin memperluas bisnis dan mempertahankan kepuasan pelanggan.

13 Tipe Perintah Di ChatGPT

1. Open-ended prompt:

Jenis prompt ini memungkinkan ChatGPT menghasilkan berbagai macam respons. Contohnya, "Ceritain pengalaman kamu dengan [produk/jasa]" atau "Apa pendapat kamu tentang [industri/niche]?"

2. Explanation prompt:

Jenis prompt ini memerintahkan ChatGPT untuk menjelaskan sebuah konsep atau proses. Contohnya, "Bisa jelasin [istilah teknis] dengan bahasa yang sederhana?" atau "Cara kerja [produk/jasa] itu gimana sih?"

3. Fill-in-the-blank prompt:

Jenis prompt ini memungkinkan kamu mengisi informasi tertentu ke dalam sebuah kalimat atau pertanyaan. Contohnya, "Perusahaan saya menyediakan [produk/jasa] untuk membantu pelanggan [mencapai tujuan/keuntungan]."

4. Opinion prompt

Jenis prompt ini memerintahkan ChatGPT untuk memberikan opini atau sudut pandang terhadap suatu topik. Contohnya, "Apa pendapat kamu tentang [topik kontroversial]?" atau "Menurut kamu, apakah [trend/teknologi baru] akan sukses di pasaran?"

5. Ranking prompt

Jenis prompt ini memerintahkan ChatGPT untuk meranking beberapa item berdasarkan preferensi atau kepentingan. Contohnya, "Urutkan [produk/jasa] ini dari yang paling populer sampai yang paling tidak populer" atau "Menurut kamu, [produk/jasa] mana yang paling berharga untuk pelanggan?"

6. Scenario prompt

Jenis prompt ini memerintahkan ChatGPT untuk memberikan respons berdasarkan situasi atau skenario tertentu. Contohnya, "Kalau ada pelanggan yang mengeluh tentang [masalah], kamu bakal ngapain?" atau "Bagaimana kamu menangani situasi dimana [masalah] muncul?"

7. Comparative prompt

Jenis prompt ini memerintahkan ChatGPT untuk membandingkan atau kontras antara dua atau lebih item. Contohnya, "Apa perbedaan antara [produk A] dan [produk B]?" atau "Menurut kamu, [strategi pemasaran] mana yang lebih efektif?"

8. Prediction prompt

Jenis prompt ini memerintahkan ChatGPT untuk meramalkan tentang sebuah peristiwa atau tren di masa depan. Contohnya, "Menurut kamu, apa yang akan menjadi [tren/masalah] terbesar di [industri/niche] dalam 5 tahun ke depan?" atau "Bagaimana menurut kamu [produk/jasa] akan berperforma di pasar tahun depan?"

9. Feedback prompt

Tipe perintah yang minta ChatGPT buat kasih saran atau masukan tentang produk, layanan, atau ide. Misalnya "Menurutmu gimana feedback-nya buat [website/kampanye pemasaran] gue?" atau "Ada saran buat meningkatkan [produk/layanan] ini gak?"

10. Yes/No prompt

Jenis prompt ini memerlukan jawaban yang simpel, "Ya" atau "Tidak." Contohnya, "Menurut kamu, [industri/niche] semakin populer nggak?" atau "Pernah menggunakan [produk/jasa] sebelumnya?"

11. Instructional prompt

Tipe perintah yang minta ChatGPT buat ngasih tahu caranya melakukan suatu tugas atau proses. Contohnya kayak "Gimana cara [tugas tertentu]?" atau "Apa aja tahapan buat [proses tertentu]?"

12. Multiple choice prompt

Jenis prompt ini memberikan beberapa pilihan untuk ChatGPT memilih. Contohnya, "Lebih suka [produk/jasa] yang mana?" atau "Pilihannya antara [Opsi A] atau [Opsi B]?"

13. Empathy prompt

Tipe perintah yang minta ChatGPT buat tunjukin empati atau pengertian ke pelanggan atau pengguna. Contohnya kayak "Aku lagi bingung sama [masalah], bisa tolong?" atau "Aku merasa [emosi tertentu], ada cara biar jadi lebih baik gak?"

Perintah-perintah menulis artikel dengan chatGPT

Panduan Pemula Membuat Artikel Unik dengan ChatGPT

1. Prompt Persiapan

Perintah untuk Membuat Outline

- Generate an outline from title "Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas". Each/some headers must embed the focus keyword "Kata Kunci Anda". (Jika Anda ingin membuat Artikel berbahasa Inggris)

- Buat sebuah outline dari judul "Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas". Setiap/beberapa header harus mengandung kata kunci fokus "Kata Kunci Anda". (Jika Anda ingin membuat Artikel berbahasa Indonesia)

Perintah untuk Membuat Daftar Kata Kunci LSI

- Generate a list of LSI keywords for "Kata Kunci Anda". (Jika Anda ingin membuat Artikel berbahasa Inggris)

- Hasilkan sebuah daftar yang berisi beberapa Kata Kunci LSI dari "Kata Kunci Anda". (Jika Anda ingin membuat Artikel berbahasa Indonesia)

Perintah untuk Membuat Daftar Judul

- Create title tags for Focus Keyword "Kata Kunci Anda". (Jika Anda ingin membuat Artikel berbahasa Inggris)

- Buatkan beberapa tag judul untuk kata kunci "Kata Kunci Anda". (Jika Anda ingin membuat Artikel berbahasa Indonesia)

2. Prompt Pembuatan Artikel

Perintah untuk Membuat Paragraf Penutup

(Untuk Artikel English) : 

Make Conclusions for the following topics, outline and keywords, which contain :

"Isi Penutup 1"

"Isi Penutup 2"

"Isi Penutup 3"


Topic : Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas

Keywords to use : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris

Outline : 

Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT mulai dari Header Pembuka sampai sebelum Header Penutup

(Untuk Artikel Indonesia) : 

Buat Kesimpulan untuk topik, outline dan kata kunci - kata kunci berikut, yang berisi :

"Isi Penutup 1"

"Isi Penutup 2"

"Isi Penutup 3"


Topik : Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas

Kata Kunci - Kata Kunci untuk digunakan : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris

Outline : 

Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT mulai dari Header Pembuka sampai sebelum Header Penutup

Perintah untuk Menjabarkan Isi Bagan

(Untuk Artikel English) : 

Explain specifically "Judul Bagan/Heading" related to: 

Isi bagan 1

Isi bagan 2

Isi bagan 3


(Untuk Artikel Indonesia) : 

Jelaskan dengan spesifik "Judul Bagan/Heading" yang berkaitan dengan : 

Isi bagan 1

Isi bagan 2

Isi bagan 3


Perintah untuk Membuat 2-3 Paragraf Pembuka dengan 1 Isi 

(Untuk Artikel English) : 
Create a Summary of Opening for the following topic, outline and keywords, containing "Isi Pembuka" with 2 or 3 paragraphs long.

Topic :
Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas
Keywords - Keywords to use : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris tadi
Outline :
Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT mulai dari Header 2 sampai sebelum Header Penutup

(Untuk Artikel Indonesia) : 
Buat Ringkasan Pembuka untuk topik, outline dan kata kunci - kata kunci berikut, yang berisi "Isi Pembuka" dengan panjang 2 atau 3 paragraf. 
Topik : Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas
Kata Kunci - Kata Kunci untuk digunakan : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris tadi
Outline : 
Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT mulai dari Header 2 sampai sebelum Header Penutup

Perintah untuk membuat Paragraf Pembuka dengan beberapa Isi 

(Untuk Artikel English) : 
Create a Summary of Opening for the following topic, outline and keywords, containing :
"Isi Pembuka 1" 
"Isi Pembuka 2"
"Isi Pembuka 3 dst"
with 2 or 3 paragraphs long.

Topic :
 Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas
Keywords - Keywords to use : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris tadi
Outline :
Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT mulai dari Header 2 sampai sebelum Header Penutup
(Untuk Artikel Indonesia) : 

Buat Ringkasan Pembuka untuk topik, outline dan kata kunci - kata kunci berikut, yang berisi :
"Isi Pembuka 1" 
"Isi Pembuka 2"
"Isi Pembuka 3 dst"
dengan panjang 2 atau 3 paragraf. 
Topik : Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas
Kata Kunci - Kata Kunci untuk digunakan : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris
Outline : 
Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT mulai dari Header 2 sampai sebelum Header Penutup

3. Prompt Membuat Artikel Cepat dengan ChatpGPT 

Perintah untuk Membuat Artikel Berdasarkan Langkah Cepat

(Untuk Artikel English) : 
Write a blog post following this outline. Write in a peppy, eminine, upbeat, friendly, conversational style. Do not repeat phrases. Use varied language. Write at least 2 paragraphs for each header. MUST BE specific!
Title : Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas
Keywords to use : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris tadi
Outline : Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT 
(Untuk Artikel Indonesia) : 
Buatkan artikel mengikuti outline berikut. Tulis dengan gaya percakapan yang segar, feminin, ceria, ramah. Jangan mengulang kalimat. Gunakan bahasa yang bervariasi. Tulis minimal 2 paragraf untuk setiap header. HARUS spesifik!
Judul : Judul Artikel hasil langkah 3 di atas
Kata Kunci - Kata Kunci untuk digunakan : Kata Kunci Utama Anda, Kata Kunci LSI 1 baris tadi
Outline : Hasil Outline dari ChatGPT 

Perintah AMPUH Jika ChatGPT Berhenti Membuat Artikel

(Untuk Artikel English) : 
Good. Continue.

(Untuk Artikel Indonesia) : 
Bagus. Lanjutkan.

ChatGPT Prompts for Youtube video ideas

"I need a YouTube video idea that will provide a behind-the-scenes look at my [company/brand] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to take [desired action] with a sense of authenticity and relatability."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use my [product/service] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to make a purchase with clear and compelling instructions."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will demonstrate how my [product/service] can solve the specific pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] in a relatable and engaging way."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will showcase the unique selling points of my [product/service] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to make a purchase with a sense of urgency and exclusive offers."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will compare my [product/service] to similar options on the market and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to choose us with clear and compelling evidence."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will draw in my [ideal customer persona] with a relatable and authentic message, and then persuade them to take [desired action] with a strong call-to-action and compelling visuals."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will showcase the success stories of previous customers who have used my [product/service] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to make a purchase."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and compelling perspective on [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will provide valuable and relevant information to my [ideal customer persona] about [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will overcome objections and concerns my [ideal customer persona] may have about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will showcase the value and benefits of my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a strong offer and clear call-to-action."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] in a fun and creative way, and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to make a purchase."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will tell a unique and relatable story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal]."

"I need a YouTube video idea that will both go viral and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to take [desired action] on my [website/product] with a strong call-to-action and compelling visuals."

"I'm looking for a YouTube video idea that will go viral and showcase my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] in a creative and entertaining way."

ChatGPT Prompts for Facebook Ads

1. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [specific type of content] from [influencer type] who can authentically share the benefits of my [product/service] and encourage them to make a purchase."

2. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will use the social proof and credibility of [influencer type] to persuade my [ideal customer persona] to try my [product/service] and share their positive experience with their followers."

3. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the reach and influence of [influencer type] to drive traffic and sales to my [product/service] for my [ideal customer persona]."

4. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will create a sense of community and belonging for my [ideal customer persona] by featuring user-generated content and encouraging them to share their own experiences with my [product/service] with the help of [influencer type]."

5. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the authority and credibility of [influencer type] to educate my [ideal customer persona] on the benefits of my [product/service] and persuade them to try it out for themselves."

6. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will use the influence and reach of [influencer type] to showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] and encourage them to make a purchase."

7. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will create a sense of urgency and FOMO for my [ideal customer persona] by featuring exclusive deals and promotions for my [product/service]."

8. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the authenticity and relatability of my [brand/company] to engage my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [product/service]."

9. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the social proof and credibility of my [brand/company] to persuade my [ideal customer persona] to try my [product/service] and share their positive experience with their followers."

10. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and creative visual campaign that showcases the features and benefits of my [product/service] in a compelling way."

11. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will use the influence and reach of my [brand/company] to drive traffic and sales to my [product/service] for my [ideal customer persona]."

12. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the authority and expertise of my [brand/company] to educate my [ideal customer persona] on the benefits of my [product/service] and persuade them to make a purchase."

13. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will provide a sneak peek of upcoming products or services and create a sense of anticipation and excitement for my [ideal customer persona] with a clear and compelling call-to-action."

14. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will create a sense of community and belonging for my [ideal customer persona] by featuring user-generated content and encouraging them to share their own experiences with my [product/service]."

15. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will showcase the unique and personal experiences of my [ideal customer persona] with my [product/service] and persuade them to share their positive review with their followers."

ChatGPT Prompts for Blog writing

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and compelling perspective on [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will provide valuable and relevant information to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will educate my [ideal customer persona] on a specific [topic] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency and strong offer."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will showcase the value and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and convince them to take [desired action] with social proof and credibility-building elements."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will tell a story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal] in a relatable and engaging way."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will tell a story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal] in a relatable and engaging way."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will draw in my [ideal customer persona] with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to take [desired action] with persuasive language and compelling evidence."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will address the pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] and show them how my [product/service] is the solution they've been searching for."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will overcome objections and concerns my [ideal customer persona] may have about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action]."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will make my [ideal customer persona] feel [emotion] about my [product/service] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will establish trust and credibility with my [ideal customer persona] by highlighting the successes and testimonials of previous customers who have used my [product/service]."

"I need a [type of blog post] that will convince my [ideal customer persona] to purchase my [product/service] by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections."

"I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will speak directly to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

ChatGPT Prompts for email marketing

"I need a [type of email] that will persuade my [ideal customer persona] to purchase my [product/service] by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will convince my [ideal customer persona] to sign up for my [program/subscription] by explaining the value it brings and the benefits they'll receive."

"I need a [type of email] that will make my [ideal customer persona] feel [emotion] about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action]."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will explain the features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] in a clear and concise manner, leading them to make a purchase."

"I need a [type of email] that will address the pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] and show them how my [product/service] is the solution they've been searching for."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will draw in my [ideal customer persona] with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to take [desired action] with persuasive language and compelling evidence."

"I need a [type of email] that will tell a story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal] in a relatable and engaging way."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase."

"I need a [type of email] that will overcome objections and concerns my [ideal customer persona] may have about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action]."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will establish trust and credibility with my [ideal customer persona] by highlighting the successes and testimonials of previous customers who have used my [product/service]."

"I need a [type of email] that will make my [ideal customer persona] feel [emotion] about my [product/service] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action."

"I need a [type of email] that will showcase the value and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and convince them to take [desired action] with social proof and credibility building elements."

"I'm looking for a [type of email] that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency and strong offer."

"I need a [type of email] that will convince my [ideal customer persona] to purchase my [product/service] by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections."

Pegawai Kantoran dan Pekerja Serabutan Online
Pegawai Kantoran dan Pekerja Serabutan Online "Apabila anak adam (manusia) telah meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah amalnya darinya, kecuali tiga perkara, yaitu sedekah jariyah (sedekah yang pahalanya terus mengalir), ilmu yang bermanfaat, atau anak saleh yang selalu mendoakannya." (HR Muslim No. 1631)

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